Audacity: Albuquerque Is Playing Madeira

Audacity: Albuquerque Is Playing Madeira

Instead of taking a step back, Albuquerque goes full in and has the audacity to run as a candidate for PSD-M leadership.

Miguel Albuquerque Eyes PSD-M Leadership Despite Corruption Accusations

Miguel Albuquerque, the acting President of the Regional Government of Madeira, has announced that he will run as a candidate for the PSD-M leadership in March. This statement appears after him being named a defendant in the vile corruption case that continues to fuel scandal in Madeira and shines a very bad light on the island.

"I will almost certainly be a candidate for the leadership of PSD Madeira"

Miguel Albuquerque

What Just Happened Here?

Every rational person likely wonders: what is happening here?! According to what is known, Miguel Albuquerque appears to be so deeply intertwined in all sorts of audacious actions, that it would likely cause any president or person in charge of anything to step back from a position of leadership. In January 2024, charges were brought against him for:

  • alleged active and passive corruption

  • embezzlement

  • receiving or offering undue advantages

  • abuse of office

  • influence peddling

The whole affair is indeed, as Rui Rocha from the Liberal Initiative (IL) has declared it, an embarrassment to the autonomous region of Madeira.

"The timing of the policy does not allow someone who is accused of carrying out their duties, for issues that were raised in the performance of their duties, to want to return to performing those duties"

Rui Rocha, leader of the Liberal Initiative (IL)

Albuquerque’s Grim Response To The Corruption Case

Albuquerque as a defendant, even if he would be innocent, is in obviously no position to uphold a position of leadership. Him still being in charge and now reapplying for leadership is nothing but a complete neglect of the responsibilities that come with his position. Furthermore, the unambiguous way he handles the case concerning defending people like Pedro Calado speaks for itself.

Image: Generative Concept (Symbol)
