Miguel Albuquerque's Victory Echoes Donald Trump's Contempt In The Rule Of Law

Miguel Albuquerque's Victory Echoes Donald Trump's Contempt In The Rule Of Law

Madeira's political crisis cannot be resolved by a leader deeply entangled in accusations. We are experiencing a culturally instilled contempt of the rule of law, culturally exemplified by Donald Trump.

Congratulations, Miguel Albuquerque!

Despite facing indictment on over half a dozen alleged crimes, you've retained your position at the forefront of the PSD leadership. In a resounding victory against Antonio Correia, you've secured a commanding win and a substantial majority of 400 votes. We can only assume why you chose to rerun for leadership, despite not being in a situation to take responsibility for the entire autonomous region. But the numbers of the electorate prove you right. This is even though your opponent has his very own opinion on the election.

From Manuel AntĂłnio's perspective, the elections "were not fair because there were not equal opportunities for the two candidacies". "I call on all activists to give their testimony. [...] I think that almost everyone has had a personal experience of pressure, of conditioning", he declared.

The candidate pointed out that there were signs during the campaign for PSD/Madeira inmates "that there may be crimes of opinion in this party and people persecuted because they voted for candidates other than the winner".

Manuel Antonio Correia - Expresso.pt

Shaking Off The Mega Operation

PSD members seem to have conveniently brushed aside the events that unfolded in January this year. The Mega Operation obviously did not play any role for the party members. They have instead reaffirmed their commitment to being presided over by a leader who, despite enjoying immunity both as the president of the Madeiran Government and additionally for being a state councilor, would have potentially spent time behind bars and could now be preoccupied with trying to shake off legal consequences for the time to come.

Rise Of The Trump Policy: Dodging Legal Accountability Via Presidency

Looking across the Atlantic to the United States, we see a similar story unfolding: Former president Donald Trump facing roughly half as many charges than Albuquerque, rerunning for the presidency with the backing of the Republican Electorate. Winning a second term as the 47th president of the United States could be the only way to protect him from serious legal troubles that might ruin him financially or in the worst case - from his perspective - land him in prison.

While Trump's contempt in the rule of law reached a climax with the United States Capitol Attack on January 6, 2021, Albuquerque's reluctance to address the allegations highlights his disinterest in resolving the massive political crisis that Madeira is facing. Albuquerque keeps playing Madeira.

Image: Generative Concept (Symbol)
