August 2024 Was the Hottest Ever Recorded Globally

August 2024 Was the Hottest Ever Recorded Globally

Rising temperatures are causing heat records to fall rapidly.

Portugal Experiences One of Its Hottest Augusts Since 1931

August 2024 was marked as the hottest month globally and the second hottest in Europe, according to the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA). In mainland Portugal, it ranked as the tenth warmest August since 1931. This August was also the seventh warmest since 2000 in Portugal, with average air temperatures reaching 23.85°C, which is more than 1°C above the 1981-2010 average.

Hottest August Ever Recorded

Europe Suffers from Extreme Weather Patterns

The IPMA report also highlighted that Europe faced its second hottest August on record, only surpassed by August 2022. The continent's average temperature was 1.57°C above the 1991-2020 average. Southern and eastern Europe were particularly affected by high temperatures, while the northwest, including parts of Ireland, the UK, and Portugal’s western coast, experienced below-average temperatures. Meanwhile, drought conditions spread across much of continental Europe, contributing to widespread wildfires, especially in southern and eastern regions or the massive wildfire that hit Madeira in the third week of August.

Global Temperatures Soar Amid Warnings of Climate Crisis

Globally, August 2024 matched August 2023 as the hottest month on record, with a global average temperature of 16.82°C, which is 0.71°C above the 1991-2020 average. This alarming trend underscores the urgency of addressing the climate crisis, as extreme weather events, including record heat and severe drought, continue to impact regions worldwide.
