The Art of Capturing Madeira
Madeira is a feast for the senses - a lush island where towering cliffs meet the Atlantic, golden sunsets paint the sky, and every turn reveals a new hidden gem. For visitors and many locals alike, each moment on this beautiful island feels like a memory worth keeping forever. But how do you capture these fleeting moments in a way that truly does them justice?
That’s where Benjamin Begin comes in.
A Modest Man, Crafting Timeless Images
Benjamin Begin is a talented photographer who has made it his mission to turn these magical moments into timeless works of art. Offering a unique service in Madeira, Benjamin takes visitors on custom photography tours, ensuring they leave with not just memories, but beautifully captured experiences they’ll cherish forever.
Originally from France, Benjamin made the bold decision to leave his home in 2009 and settle on the island. It’s a move he’s never regretted -in fact, it was life-changing. Madeira’s natural beauty, warm community, and endless creative inspiration made it the perfect place for him to pursue his passion for photography.

Meet Benjamin Begin
- Benjamin, it’s great to have this interview and get to know you a bit better. From what I’ve seen, you’ve already made quite a name for yourself here on the island, but I’m sure there are still many who don’t know much about your story - myself included! So, let’s start at the beginning. You’re originally from France - What inspired you to move to Madeira in 2009 and what was it like transitioning from France to Madeira? Did you come here by yourself or with a partner?
- I initially came to Madeira for a position in a web agency. I didn’t know nothing of Madeira. My best friend created a company there and having a creative mind, he offered me to join him. I was 25 at the time and I just thought “Why not ?!”. I fell in love with the island and felt gifted for discovering such a paradise. I couldn’t move back.
- You started out in film photography and from what I understand, you fully committed to photography only after moving to Madeira. What sparked your passion for photography, and how did it evolve into a professional career? Can you share a defining moment when you realized photography was more than just a hobby?
- I’ve always been of the creative ones. When I was younger, I did painting, graffiti, drawing, and I even studied art. I also knew that earning money would be hard that way. But I loved marketing, so I tried to earn my skills and experience that way. Just to be sure I would never be without a job.
As I was missing art and being creative, I started photography. How incredible and beautiful is Madeira probably helped a lot. I found an old camera at my parents while visiting in France. The noise and the look of the camera caught my attention and I decided to give it a second life.
It was at first just for fun. But later on, I got a digital camera, and started to shoot for friends. I then did one wedding for a friend of a friend. It took me a long time before I started selling myself as a professional photographer. But when I finally left the web agency I was in, it was the obvious next step.
- How would you describe your photography style, and how has it been influenced by Madeira’s landscapes and culture?
- I try to give a cinematic vibe to my photos. I like to feel as if it was from a movie. Madeira’s landscapes and culture is just an awesome and perfect environment. The same place can look different every day. The light, the sun, the lush greens... Possibilities are endless. We’re so gifted to live there.
- I could not agree more, being able to live in Madeira is a gift and despite it being a rather small island, it never ceases to amaze me. Since Madeira is a photographer’s dream destination. Do you have any favorite locations on the island to photograph, and if so, why?
- I could name 100 spots I like. But the one that stole everyone’s heart is Pico Arrieiro, sorry if I lack originality in mentioning that one. I’ve seen many people say it's the most beautiful thing they saw in their life. I even remember a 5-year-old saying “Mom, this is so beautiful”.
A place that is widely underrated is Faja dos Padres. To me, it’s really magical. Time seems to stop down there. It has a unique vibe. And for sure, Fanal and Achada da Cruz are also two iconic spots of the island.

- You’ve worked on a variety of projects, from wedding photography to corporate collaborations. Which type of project do you enjoy the most and why?
- As long as it involves a camera, I’m in. It's hard to consider photography as a job, even if it’s one. It’s just moments of fun for me. I feel so blessed being paid to do this, and sometimes I still need to pinch me to realize what's happening and that I am not in a dream.
If I had to pick one thing, I just love to bring people on tour discovering Madeira's scenic and secret landscapes. It reminds me why and how I fell in love with Madeira. I try to share the feeling with them. Meeting strangers from all over the world and sharing with them such an intimate moment is somehow challenging but also so special.
Ben is an excellent photographer with a huge passion for his profession. We had great time with him an Piedro during our sunset tour and LOVE the photos. We can definitely recommend him to anyone looking for wonderful photos from beautiful Madeira.
A review of Benjamin´s photo tour
- Tell us more about your Photo Tours in Madeira. What makes them unique, and what can clients expect from the experience? Is there a tour that stands out and that you recommend?
- My tours are unique for many reasons. I work with a private taxi driver, so it gives all the comfort and safety to my customers. I try to customize every tour according to my clients wishes and profiles. Some of them can also just trust me and let me organize it all.
I created this service because I wanted to propose an “all-inclusive” experience. It’s more than just “doing photos”. People are fully relaxed, we share a special bond during the tour. I share with them some stories of Madeira, the good restaurants, nice things to do and so on. I often try to surprise them with little gifts or invite them to drink the best ponchas of the island.
I like to think that my clients could be my friends. And some of them actually became ones. All of this creates a unique energy, this special vibe. People are fully relaxed, smiling… And of course, the photos are only better in those conditions. It's the secret to get those candid, natural looking photos. I had all kind of people on tours, families, couples in honeymoon, groups of friends… I don’t have any preferred tour or one that stands out in particular. The best tours are when people hug me at the end, saying thank you for everything.
- What can you tell us about working with clients, is it a job to make ends meet or do you love the interaction? Can you share a particular positive or negative experience of one of your tours?
- Can you remember the last time you’ve spent several hours with a complete stranger? It can be challenging. It takes a lot of energy and dedication. I’ve been doing this for ten years and I’m still super anxious before a tour. Even if I slowly start to feel more and more confident as I get older and more experienced. On top of that, you have to take photos of them. That adds up to the challenge as you come inside their comfort zone. Every time I have to be at my best, show my best, do my best, but I love it. I’ve learned a lot, about people, but also about myself.
The best thing, and it happened many times, is when people tell me that the tour was the highlight of their holidays. Or when they say the landscape or the sunset was the most beautiful thing they’ve seen. Of course, I also had negative experience, it’s part of the job. Lucky me, it only happened 2 or 3 times in ten years. People didn’t like the final photos and it was heartbreaking. It really drove me down when it happened.
- I definitely feel that working so closely with strangers in that setting is very special. I would feel the same. On a different note, what role does editing play in your creative process?
- Editing is 50% of the work. Simple as that. It’s what bring the photos to life. It’s the “cooking”. It’s every photographer's signature and style.
- How do you balance personal projects with commercial work? Do you find time to pursue your own artistic photography, or is everything connected in some way?
- When your passion is your job, you need to feel grateful every day. And I am. So many people struggle in a job they hate with a boss they hate. As I mentioned, I feel gifted, and believe me, every day I’m thankful to be where I am now. I still have lots of photography ideas and projects, but what I lack is… TIME.

- You’ve exhibited your work at galleries in Funchal. Can you tell us about those experiences and would you say they’ve helped you grow as a photographer on the island?
- Long story short, I've learned how to transfer photos on wood. As the word Madeira means wood, it was just an evidence to me. I went on beaches and to remote places to get some pieces of wood and transfer photos to it. I did an exhibition and sold everything in 2 weeks. People loved it and I was really happy. I like to do things but with a twist, something fun or original.
- Looking ahead, what are your future plans and goals? Do you have any upcoming projects, exhibitions, or personal challenges you’re excited to tackle?
- I kind of reached my initial dream. To be able to live from art. If I can just keep bringing people on tours and take photos of them, I don’t need more. I’m preparing an exhibition as I want to go back to painting. People can follow my socials for infos and updates but it's on the way. I really miss painting, and I’ve been wanting to go back for a while. I’m also the happy owner of the “Humans of Madeira” project that highlights portraits of people of the island. It’s a side project that’s on hold as I was missing time, but I’m slowly coming back to it. People can always contact me if they want to appear on it. And of course, it’s free.
Benjamin, thank you for these insights into your work, life and your feelings about Madeira. I am sure many find your work and professional life as an independent photographer inspiring. I am happy for you that you found bliss in Madeira and in what you do.
If you want to find out more about Benjamin or proceed immediately with booking a tour, you can do so at