1> Celebrating Europe Day: Honoring Schuman's Vision for Peace

Celebrating Europe Day: Honoring Schuman's Vision for Peace

May 9th commemorates the Schuman Declaration. A crucial moment in history, establishing peace, unity and economic success in Europe.

May 9th Is Europe Day, Also Known As “Schuman Day”

May 9th is Europe Day because it marks the anniversary of a significant event that paved the way for European unity and peace. On this day in 1950, the Schuman Declaration was delivered! Europe Day is therefore also known as “Schuman Day“, named after Robert Schuman, a French statesman with originally German citizenship.

A Vision for Peace In A Continent Ravaged By Conflict For Centuries

This declaration, proposed by French foreign minister Robert Schuman, outlined a plan to put the coal and steel industries of France and Germany under a common authority. This groundbreaking idea aimed to make war between these two nations, which had been locked in conflict for centuries, physically impossible.

Birth Of The European Union

The Schuman Declaration is considered the birth of what is now the European Union. It led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, the first official step towards European integration. So, Europe Day celebrates "peace and unity in Europe", the vision laid out in the Schuman Declaration, which fostered peace and cooperation in Europe.

How Does Madeira Profit From The EU?

Madeira gets several advantages from being part of the EU. The EU grants help with infrastructure and business development. Madeira exports more easily to other European countries without facing trade barriers. Tourists and goods can move freely throughout the EU, boosting tourism and trade. EU membership makes Madeira a more credible and stable place to do business, attracting investment. And of course, Madeira is directly profiting from payments of the EU budget.

Between 1989 and 2020, the Region received 3.879 billion euros from European funds. Community funding obtained in the period 2000-2006 was the most generous, with funds exceeding one billion euros. Today, Europe Day, JM reveals the impact of European support on regional development in various areas.

