Firefighters Slam Government Wildfire Response

Firefighters Slam Government Wildfire Response

Firefighters slam government's wildfire response. What more must burn before authorities deploy effective strategies and resources on the ground and in the air?

Firefighters Demand Immediate Strategy Changes and More Air Resources

The National Association of Professional Firefighters (ANBP) and the National Union of Professional Firefighters (SNBP) issued a statement urging significant changes to the strategy for combating the ongoing fires in Madeira, which have been raging since August 14th. They argue that the current approach, particularly in terms of human resources, vehicles, and air support, is inadequate for addressing the severity of the situation.

Madeira Wildfire

The fire that has already spread across difficult terrains, such as the mountains of Ribeira Brava and the municipalities of Câmara de Lobos, Ponta do Sol, and Santana, has made ground efforts nearly impossible without sufficient air support.

So, why weren’t air resources requested from the mainland? Why is Spain only now sending air support?

Jornal da Madeira

Firefighters Seek Urgent Air And International Aid

ANBP/SNBP questions why additional air resources from mainland Portugal or neighboring countries were not requested sooner, given the challenging geography and the fires' intensity. They call on both the regional government and the national government to deploy more air assets, such as helicopters or specialized aircraft, to increase water capacity and use retardants to support ground efforts.

Additionally, they suggest activating bilateral protocols with neighboring countries or requesting assistance through the European Civil Protection Mechanism. The associations express their solidarity with Madeira's firefighters and residents, urging a revised, more effective strategy to end the fires and protect lives and property.

Source: Jornal da Madeira
