1> Free Public Transport in Madeira

Free Public Transport in Madeira

2024 here we go: some citizens will have access to free public transportation!

Free Rides for Youth and Seniors!

Starting next year, public transport in Madeira will be free for students up to the age of 23 and citizens over 65, This initiative, part of the Regional Budget for the upcoming year, involves a substantial investment of 4.3 million euros. The decision aligns with Madeira's commitment to energy transition, aiming to decrease reliance on fossil fuels.

In an effort to promote accessibility and affordability, Madeira recognizes the significance of supporting its youth and elderly population through free public transport services. This underscores the government's dedication to fostering sustainable and efficient mobility solutions.

A Forward-Thinking Initiative

In my opinion, offering free public transportation is crucial for addressing significant challenges that the island will encounter in the future. Not only does it ease traffic congestion and promote green energy transition, but it also reflects a progressive mindset and a great investment. Well done, Madeira!
