Government Moves Forward With Disputed Cable Car Project

Government Moves Forward With Disputed Cable Car Project

Despite strong opposition, the PSD-led government suspends the Câmara de Lobos PDM for three years, in order to move forward with the cable car project.

No Official Announcement, But Decision Has Been Published

The newly elected PSD-led government has decided to suspend the Municipal Master Plan (PDM) of Câmara de Lobos for three years to facilitate the construction of a cable car system at Curral das Freiras. This decision, made in the latest Government meeting, allows the project to proceed. Although the announcement was not officially communicated by the regional government to the public, it was however published in the Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of Madeira (JORAM).

What Is The Municipal Master Plan (PDM)

The Municipal Master Plan (PDM) of Câmara de Lobos is a legal document that outlines the future development and land use in a municipality. It determines how land is classified and used, and guides the creation of other urban planning documents. The PDM also helps prioritize investments and programs for the municipality.

The partial suspension of the PDM covers the areas surrounding Montado do Paredão (eastern area of ​​the cliff over the Curral das Freiras valley) and Boca da Corrida (Jardim da Serra), where the cable car system with shuttle gondolas will be installed. .

Diário de Notícias da Madeira

Government Prioritizes Economic Benefit

The cable car project, which also includes an adventure park, nature interpretation center, and zip line, along with supporting facilities and restaurants, will be developed in the parishes of Curral das Freiras and Jardim da Serra. People in favor of the project claim it will attract more tourists by offering a unique and scenic experience of Madeira’s mountains and valleys. The government believes that the influx of visitors will benefit local businesses such as restaurants, souvenir shops, and tour operators, encouraging the expansion and diversification of commercial activities and partnerships.

Impact of the Curral das Freiras Cable Car

Strong Opposition For The Cable Car Project

The Cable Car knows strong opposition from different parties and for good reasons. Some of them are:

Environmental Impact: Concerns exist about the potential environmental damage the construction and operation of the cable car could cause to the unique landscape and ecosystem of the valley.

Visual Impact: The cable car and its infrastructure could significantly alter the natural beauty and character of the valley, detracting from its appeal.

Increased Tourism: Some residents fear that the cable car could lead to over-tourism, putting a strain on local resources and infrastructure and potentially disrupting the traditional way of life in the valley.

Economic Concerns: There are questions about the economic viability of the project and whether the potential benefits would outweigh the costs.

Government suspends PDM to push cable car

Government Claims It Is Obliged As It Else Will Get Sued

The government considers this suspension essential to fulfilling legal and contractual commitments. They also emphasize that failing to comply with these commitments could be detrimental to the region. The private investor claims he has already invested more than eigth million euros into the project, at least partially financed by banks.

Contractor Was Waiting For PDM To Be Suspended In Order To Move Forward

The government's decision aligns with the arguments presented by the project promoter, who has been awaiting the PDM suspension since October 16 of the previous year. This was the date when the concession contract was signed.

Private Investment Of 47 Million Euros

This private investment amounts to 47 million euros and is expected to inject around 250 million euros into the local economy and the region over the 50-year concession period, which can be extended for an additional ten years.

Source: Diário de Notícias da Madeira
