Iniciativa Liberal Calls For Complete Ban On Summer Fireworks

Iniciativa Liberal Calls For Complete Ban On Summer Fireworks

Iniciativa Liberal is pushing for a total fireworks ban across all of Madeira during the summer months.

Iniciativa Liberal Wants Comprehensive Ban On Fireworks

The Iniciativa Liberal (IL) has introduced a resolution in the Legislative Assembly of Madeira aimed at implementing significant restrictions on the use of fireworks during the summer months. The proposal comes in response to the region’s history of devastating wildfires, in particular the fire that broke out in Serra de Água. It seeks to protect both human lives and the island's delicate ecosystem. The proposed ban would apply to July, August, and September, except under weather conditions that demonstrably reduce the risk of fire.

The proposal arises in response to the history of devastating fires that have plagued Madeira, with the aim of preserving both human life and the island's fragile ecosystem.

Diário de Notícias da Madeira

Current Fireworks Regulations In Madeira

Madeira's existing regulations on fireworks are quite stringent, with the Public Security Police (PSP) holding the authority to approve or deny the use of pyrotechnics. Decisions are typically based on binding opinions from the local fire brigade, which considers factors such as weather alerts issued by the Regional Civil Protection Service. A weather alert at the orange level usually results in an automatic suspension of fireworks activities.

Weather Conditions Play A Critical Role In Approvals

In cases where the weather alert is less severe but still concerning -such as forecasts of strong winds, low humidity, and high temperatures - the PSP and fire brigades may still opt to prevent the launch of fireworks. Additionally, the Fire Weather Index (FWI) plays a crucial role; if it reaches very high or maximum levels, it often leads to the cancellation or non-approval of pyrotechnic displays.

Preventive Measures And Public Awareness Campaigns

In addition to the proposed fireworks ban, IL’s resolution suggests a series of complementary measures. These include:

  • strengthening monitoring and enforcement

  • conducting public awareness campaigns for both residents and visitors

  • creating safe zones for fireworks displays.

These initiatives aim to minimize the risk of wildfires and preserve the natural habitats that define Madeira’s landscape.

Civil Protection’s Role In Emergency Situations

During high-alert situations, the Regional Civil Protection Service issues operational technical communications to all civil protection agents, outlining specific guidelines such as increasing the number of firefighters and enhancing surveillance teams. These directives are also shared with the PSP, which may enforce a prohibition on fireworks. Fire brigades often recommend the automatic cancellation of fireworks when adverse weather conditions make the risk of fire apparent.

Diário de Notícias da Madeira
Diário de Notícias da Madeira
