Madeira Acts Quickly with Lapa Harvesting Ban

Madeira Acts Quickly with Lapa Harvesting Ban

Starting tomorrow, an extended ban on lapa (limpets) harvesting takes effect in Madeira. The goal is to protect the species and ensure their long-term survival.

New Regulation Aims to Preserve Marine Resources

In a bid to ensure the sustainability of the region’s marine resources, Madeira has announced a temporary suspension on the harvesting of lapas (limpets) effective Thursday, September 5, 2024. This decision halts both commercial and recreational lapa gathering across all coastal areas of Madeira, to enhance the reproductive success and recovery of lapa populations by providing a longer period for the species to regenerate.

Lapa Harvesting Banned

Extension of Closed Season

The new regulation extends the closed season for lapa harvesting from five to six months. Previously, the ban lasted from November 1 to March 31, but under the updated guidelines, it will now be in effect from tomorrow until April 30. This extension aims to enhance the reproductive success and recovery of lapa populations by providing a longer period for the species to regenerate.

Commercial and recreational lapa harvesting is suspended starting the day after the publication of this decree and until the suspension is lifted by a directive from the Regional Director of Fisheries. This measure is intended to immediately protect the remaining adult individuals in their habitats, thereby ensuring the reproduction of these species in the medium and long term.

Order n.º 377/2024

Restrictions on Harvesting Activities

All forms of lapa harvesting, including personal collection, are prohibited. The regulation also prohibits the possession, transportation, storage, and sale of lapas harvested during the closed season. This comprehensive ban is designed to protect existing lapa populations and support their long-term sustainability.

Among the various changes described in this ordinance, which revokes the previous one, referring to March 2022, is the fact that harvesting for commercial purposes without a vessel can only be done until 2pm on weekdays, with a limit of 15kg/day for natural persons. . Harvesting for commercial purposes is therefore prohibited on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Jornal da Madeira

Changes to Commercial and Recreational Harvesting

The new order introduces several changes to the regulations governing lapa harvesting. Commercial harvesting, which previously could occur throughout the week, is now restricted to weekdays and must conclude by 14:00h, with a daily limit of 15 kilograms per individual. Recreational or family harvesting is permitted only on weekends and public holidays, with a daily limit of 3 kilograms. These measures are intended to balance the needs of both commercial and recreational fishers while ensuring the preservation of the lapa resource. The Government of Madeira emphasizes that these changes are crucial for responsible resource management and the long-term viability of the lapa fishery. The Director Regional de Pescas will have the authority to adjust or lift the suspension based on the resource’s recovery needs, with prior notice of at least ten business days.

Jornal da Madeira
