1> Madeira Classic Car Revival Rolls Out 484 Vintage Treasures

Madeira Classic Car Revival Rolls Out 484 Vintage Treasures

Save the date and step back in time: Madeira Classic Car Revival unveils 484 vintage treasures, including pre-1946 classics and rare finds!

484 Vehicles Piling Up For The Big Show

The annual Madeira Classic Revival exhibition, a staple for car enthusiasts, gears up for another exciting edition. This year's event, held from May 24th to 26th at Praça do Povo, will showcase a stunning display of 484 classic vehicles, according to Miguel Gouveia, president of the Madeira Classic Car Club.

Madeira Classic Car Revival

Get a glimpse of what's in store for you this weekend in Funchal by watching this video from the Madeira Classic Car Revival.

Madeira Classic Car Revival

Dozens Of Vehicles From The Forties Or Older

History buffs will be particularly enthralled by the presence of 25 pre-1946 vehicles, including the oldest participant – a 1910 LE Zebre Type A. The exhibition promises diversity beyond age, featuring 12 off-road vehicles, 50 motorbikes, and even 6 classic bicycles. American car enthusiasts will find much to celebrate, with Ford being the most represented brand with a total of 52 vehicles.

An Event That Extends Beyond Car Lovers

The event's impact extends beyond car lovers. Regional Secretary of Tourism and Culture, Eduardo Jesus, emphasized the significant role classic car events play in attracting tourists and that there will be thousands of visitors attending the event. This year's Madeira Classic Revival promises to be a captivating event, not only for car enthusiasts but also for anyone seeking a glimpse into automotive history and a vibrant cultural celebration.

Source: Jornal da Madeira
