Madeira Fires 2024: Footage From The Aftermath

Madeira Fires 2024: Footage From The Aftermath

How did parts of Madeira’s lush landscapes turn into a scorched wasteland? Witness footage of the saddening aftermath of the recent fires.

Madeira's Devastating Fires Leave Island Scarred

The fires that relentlessly raged across Madeira from mid-August have left a lasting impact that will be felt for years to come. According to various sources, at least 5,000 hectares have been consumed by the flames, leaving behind scorched earth, dead animals, and devastated wildlife. Thankfully, there are no human fatalities and no burned houses. But with easily more than 6% of Madeira's surface destroyed, experts agree that it will take decades, if not longer, for the island’s most vulnerable landscape to recover.

Boca do Corrida & Nuns Valley

Ever hiked from Boca do Corrida to Pico Grande? Be glad if you did. The landscape appears unrecognizable today. See a view from Boca do Corrida in Jardim da Serra that allows a view over the Nuns Valley in Curral das Freiras.

Nuns Valley Devastation

Triathletes Running Through Dead Landscape

Triathletes can be seen running through the Relvinha area in Curral das Freiras, along a route entirely covered by a blackened landscape of destruction. The dead rabbit, likely suffocated or burned in the fire, highlights the horrific suffering many animals, mammals and birds alike, must have endured in recent days.

Update 28.08.2024

More footage emerges of the immediate aftermath. No need for comment. Watch for yourself.

Madeira Island after the Devastating Wildfires

The Aftermath of the Devastating Wildfires

Update 05.09.2024

Madeira Island Wildfire 2024 Aftermath: Pico Grande’s Resilient Beauty

Madeira Island Wildfire 2024 Aftermath: Pico Grande’s Resilient Beauty
