Support Families During The Madeira Food Bank Campaign On May 25th & 26th

Support Families During The Madeira Food Bank Campaign On May 25th & 26th

Banco Alimentar is mobilizing its volunteers once again! Mark your calendars for May 25th and 26th to donate food at your local supermarket or contribute online. Your support makes a difference!

The Madeira Food Bank Bag Campaign

In Madeira, you can support less privileged families with groceries when going to supermarkets like Pingo Doce or Continente. To help them out, the Madeira Food Bank organizes Food Collection Campaign against hunger!

What is it?

The Campaign is a two-day event where volunteers station themselves at supermarket exits. When you finish shopping, they'll ask if you'd like to donate a bag of groceries to the Food Bank. You can choose to donate the whole bag, single items, or whatever you can comfortably spare.

When is it?

This year, the Bag Campaign is happening on Friday, May 25th and Saturday, May 26th. So if you're planning a supermarket trip during that time, consider adding a little extra to your shopping list for those in need!

How can I help?

Become a volunteer to attend the supermarkets and collect food, consider joining! But even if you can't make it during those specific days, there are other ways to contribute:

Ajuda Vale Vouchers

Look out for these vouchers at supermarket checkouts between May 23rd and June 2nd. By purchasing a voucher, you're essentially donating groceries that will be delivered to the Food Bank.

Online Campaign

Throughout the entire campaign from May 23rd to June 2nd, you can also place a donation directly through their website.

The Madeira Food Bank has been hosting this campaign for years, creating a wonderful opportunity for the community to unite and support those dealing with food insecurity. Every contribution matters, so if you can, please consider getting involved in any way possible!
