Madeira's Tourism Triumph: Breaking Records and New Goals

Madeira's Tourism Triumph: Breaking Records and New Goals

Madeira's record-breaking tourism is merely the starting point, as the region looks to venture into new markets.

Focusing on North America: Flight Routes to Boston and Canada

Madeira's tourism industry is undergoing strategic shifts to fortify its position, with a focus on diversifying markets. The Regional Secretary for Tourism and Culture emphasizes a commitment to both consolidating traditional markets and attracting younger audiences, moving away from an exclusive reliance on the European market.

Recent flight route announcements to Boston and Canada by SATA highlight efforts to extend this focus, particularly targeting the North American market, with a specific emphasis on New York.

Targeting the Brazilian Market: A High Priority with Favorable Response

Also identified as a "high priority," the Brazilian market has responded favorably, akin to the Portuguese market. Despite industry challenges, including a 21.6% rise in hotel sector wages since 2016 and looming labor shortages, Madeira's tourism sector has shown resilience.

Resilience Amid Challenges: Record-Breaking Revenues and Future Growth

August recorded record-breaking revenues of 76 million euros, surpassing pre-pandemic figures. Anticipating over 4.5 million passengers in 2023, the sector has displayed consistent growth since the post-COVID-19 reopening.

Acknowledging these achievements, the government commits to intervening in wage matters only under extreme circumstances, recognizing the completion of public promotional efforts. Looking forward, the preservation of Madeira's identity emerges as a vital aspect of the tourism sector's future.

The secretary emphasizes the industry's pivotal role in contributing to the local economy. Celebrated at the Madeira Archives and Library, the event marks the culmination of a "year of records", symbolically underlining the importance of authenticity as the linchpin for future success.

