Miguel Albuquerque Claims Innocence

Miguel Albuquerque Claims Innocence

It has become increasingly absurd how frequently the region's highest leader has stressed his cooperation with authorities without clearing a single accusation against him.

President Emphasizes Collaboration with Authorities

As reported by Jornal da Madeira, Madeira’s President, Miguel Albuquerque has addressed the recent large-scale operation conducted by the police. Albuquerque affirmed his administration’s readiness to fully cooperate with the ongoing investigation. “As I mentioned yesterday, the government is entirely available to assist with any investigation, as always. An investigation is not an accusation, much less a conviction,” Albuquerque stated, and yes obviously everyone knows that, which raises the question, of why he says it, and it’s not the first time he stresses it. He emphasized that the purpose of the investigation is to clarify the allegations and determine their validity.

It is somewhat peculiar that there are numerous anonymous complaints against government institutions at this time, which appear to have political objectives,

Miguel Albuquerque

Governor Suggests Political Motives Behind Anonymous Complaints

In his remarks, Albuquerque suggested that the recent anonymous complaints against government bodies might be politically motivated. Albuquerque believes these anonymous allegations are part of a broader strategy to undermine the credibility of the government and its institutions, rather than reflecting any genuine misconduct.

I am convinced that regarding the allegations about financing, there is no indication of any company, including the one in question, being involved in illegal activities. Campaign finances are thoroughly scrutinized by Constitutional Court agents, and all accounts are duly approved.

Miguel Albuquerque

Confidence in Legal Compliance of Campaign Financing

Addressing concerns about campaign financing, Albuquerque expressed confidence that no legal violations have occurred. According to Albuquerque, all political parties ensure their campaigns comply with legal requirements, minimizing the risk of irregularities.

Government's Response to Investigation Described as “Natural”

Albuquerque described the government’s reaction to the so-called mega operation, as “natural,” reiterating his belief that such inquiries are a standard part of governance. He maintained that the administration remains committed to transparency and will address any findings from the investigation appropriately. The governor’s statements reflect his stance that while investigations are a routine aspect of governance, they should not be misconstrued as indictments or evidence of wrongdoing.

Source: JM-Madeira
Image: 𝖦𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖼 𝖢𝗈𝗇𝖼𝖾𝗉𝗍, (𝖲𝗒𝗆𝖻𝗈𝗅)
