Bloco de Esquerda Urges for a People-Centered Regional Budget in 2024

Bloco de Esquerda Urges for a People-Centered Regional Budget in 2024

Madeira's Housing Affordability, Golden Visas, and VAT Rates in Focus as Regional Budget Takes Shape

In the discussions on the Regional Budget proposal for 2024, Roberto Almada, representing the Bloco de Esquerda da Madeira, passionately emphasized the pressing need for measures that directly impact the lives of the people in the region.

Housing and Poverty: A Call for Urgent Action

Almada outlined proposed measures targeting the housing crisis, including restrictions on local accommodations and the elimination of golden visas—stances met with opposition from the Regional Government. He asserted, "We must prioritize residents' well-being over external investments."

The Left Block also advocates for improving public administration salaries and pensions, alongside maintaining VAT values at pre-Economic and Financial Adjustment Plan levels. Almada defended these proposals, stating, "Sustaining these levels are crucial for the economic stability of our region."

To alleviate its budget deficit and lessen the burden of debt, the Value Added Tax (VAT) was increased from 6% to 23% in 2011. However, it's important to note that the VAT rate for essential items such as food, pharmaceuticals, and water was maintained at the lower rate of 6%.

VAT likely to remain stable

Despite facing resistance on the proposal to reduce VAT, Almada expressed optimism, saying, "Implementing these changes may require courage, but it's essential for the betterment of our community. I hope to see them incorporated into the regional budget for 2024."

