Portugal's Real Estate Prices Skyrocket 80% in 5 Years, Leading EU Market

Portugal's Real Estate Prices Skyrocket 80% in 5 Years, Leading EU Market

Considering the time between 2019 and 2024 and according to Global Property Guide, Nowhere else in Europe have property prices risen as much as in Portugal.

Portugal's Real Estate Boom Outpaces All EU States

While real estate prices have surged globally, Portugal stands out as the EU leader in property price increases. An analysis by Global Property Guide reveals that Portugal has witnessed an over 80% surge in real estate prices from 2019 to 2024, surpassing all other EU nations. This data, based on official sources, highlights Portugal's dramatic growth in the property market. Second in the list is Montenegro with 71,48%, followed by Hungary and Greece.

Info On Global Property Guide

Global Property Guide globalpropertyguide.com is a website dedicated to providing information and research on international residential property markets, catering to both individual investors and industry professionals.
