Bad Weather Closure of Praia Formosa Leaves Merchants Hopeless

Bad Weather Closure of Praia Formosa Leaves Merchants Hopeless

Breaking the rules may result in a fine of up to 300 euros.

Orange and Yellow Weather Warning in Anticipation of Storm

As reported by Diário de Notícias Madeira, Merchants in Praia Formosa face challenges due to barriers placed in anticipation of bad weather conditions. These barriers, positioned far from the coastline, have led to a decline in sales as people avoid the area. Traders argue that these measures, aimed at safety, are causing financial harm, and the threat of 300-euro fines exacerbates the situation.

“There are many people who have turned back. They could signal the space but more at dusk when justified. This way, no one goes down to the beach area

Beach Merchant

Praia Formosa will be closed from this evening in anticipation of a storm and an orange and yellow weather warning by the port authority of Funchal. The City Council of Funchal justifies the closures as part of a safety plan adopted after a tourist died while taking photographs a few years ago. Additionally, pedestrian route closures in Madeira are cited for safety during bad weather.

From: Diário de Notícias Madeira
