Students Rally for Accessible Education

Students Rally for Accessible Education

Madeira Students Rally Against Substandard Living Conditions and for Affordable Higher Education

Protest at University of Madeira

In front of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, students from the University of Madeira, affiliated with the 'Teaching For All' movement, staged a protest today.

The primary focus of their demonstration was to advocate for the preservation of Public Higher Education and voice their opposition to what they perceive as the commodification of Higher Education.

Fighting a Collective Struggle

The students assert that the most effective means of addressing the challenges they face, such as

  • high tuition fees

  • additional expenses

  • insufficient public accommodation for displaced students

  • substandard conditions in classrooms and faculty spaces

According to one student, initiating a collective struggle is the key to transforming the daily conditions faced by students and artists alike.

Emphasizing their commitment to addressing these issues collectively, especially with the imminent 50th anniversary of April 25th and National Student Day, the students underscored the ongoing importance of student activism and their collective struggle.

