Solovyov Demands Seizure of US Airbases in Europe
Tensions between Russia and NATO have further heightened as Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov openly advocates for the occupation of US military bases in Europe.
In his controversial remarks, Solovyov proposes that Russia should seize control of American bases, including those in Germany, Italy, and Portugal, such as for example the Air Base das Lajes in the Azores Archipelago.

His argument revolves around the belief that such actions would ensure European compliance and eliminate any perceived and made-up threat to Russia.
Russia Being Silly Again, So What?
Okay, so Solovyov again said something silly, but does that mean we should not listen carefully? We still fail to understand that being silly is part of the Russian playbook: making the West view Russians as unpredictable or worse, as foolish and thus dismissing the threat.
However, within Russia, these statements clearly strengthen wartime ideology, with the persistent absurdity reshaping the ordinary into a landscape promoting violence as the new normal.
Russia Preparing for Full-Scale War
Coinciding with Solovyov's provocative statements, reports indicate that Russia is allegedly gearing up for a full-scale war with NATO, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). The ISW draws attention to recent threats made by Russian President Vladimir Putin on state television, where he warned Finland and the wider NATO alliance.
Additionally, the Russian military is reportedly restructuring the Western Military District as part of preparations for a potential large-scale conventional conflict against NATO forces.
Biden Urges: Ukraine Must Prevail
In response to these developments, US President Joe Biden issued a warning, as do many think tanks and experts, stating that if Russia prevails in Ukraine, there is a high risk of Russia targeting NATO. Biden's concern extends to the possibility of American troops engaging in combat against Russian forces.
Whenever Putin Denies, You Should be Alert
However, Putin dismisses Biden's claims, labeling them as "complete nonsense" and denying any interest in attacking NATO. The contrasting positions of the Russian leader and the US President underscore the heightened tensions and conflicting narratives surrounding Russia's intentions concerning NATO and European security.
Putin's pattern in major conflicts, long before the Ukraine War, entails initially denying involvement before taking contrary actions. This consistent approach has led to escalating tensions. Each time Putin denies a claim, the opposite is the outcome.
Reasons Why Russia Would Target a NATO Country
At first glance, it seems absurd: Why would a corrupt regional power like Russia be interested in pulling off a war against the world’s largest military power? On a second glance, the answer is simple: because it can!
Russia is Playing its Cards
Russia does not need to target NATO as a whole. It simply needs to disrupt unity among Western nations. Exactly this playbook is currently unfolding in Ukraine. It is a precursor and a test of Western unity.
Russia is relying on the weakness of the United States under Donald Trump or an escalating conflict between the Democrats and Republicans. If it can continue to turn both parties against each other, the doors to Russia’s western flank are wide open.
United States Global Commitments
Even without a second term for Donald Trump, the United States will not be able to handle the Ukraine war if a major conflict regarding Taiwan unfolds. Despite all formal NATO commitments, The Taiwan Relations Act from 1979 by law requires the United States of America to protect Taiwan.
"to maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan."
European Countries Are Sleepwalking
While European countries are idling, Russia has turned its industry into a wartime economy and preparing for a conflict that will last many more years. While older equipment, tanks and technologies are being depleted in the Ukraine battlefield, the country is producing the latest military equipment that will be extensively available in the coming years.
If Russia has a go on Finland, Estonia or Lithuania, European countries will be unable to defend themselves without the military support and leadership of the United States of America.
Europe is relying on the fact that a war on the soil of a NATO member would be against United States interests. Given the limited viable alternatives currently available to Europe, this strategic choice may appear perplexing, frightening, and yet logical.
Russian Civil Society is Paralyzed
As for Russian civil society, the tightened grip of the Kremlin is working against a revolt or uprising against Russian fascism. Subduing Ukraine will further radicalize Russian society, convince them of Russian superiority and make them believe that more countries can be annexed by military force.