Serra de Água Fire Spread To Câmara De Lobos

Serra de Água Fire Spread To Câmara De Lobos

As the fire from Serra de Água intensifies, it has escalated towards Câmara de Lobos and reached Jardim da Serra.

Serra de Água Fire Reached Jardim da Serra

The fire that ignited in Serra de Água continues to escalate and could pose a threat to residents and property. The blaze, which started on a difficult-to-access hillside, quickly spread to the nearby regions of Espigão and Trompica, located in the highlands of Ribeira Brava. Authorities have confirmed that the fire has breached containment lines and is now active in the higher elevations of Jardim da Serra within the Câmara de Lobos district. In response to the escalating situation, additional firefighting resources have been deployed to the area.

It is confirmed that it has indeed crossed a barrier there, and at this moment, there is an active front in the municipality of Câmara de Lobos, in the high areas, in Jardim da Serra. (…) At this moment, we have resources that have been channeled from the Câmara de Lobos Volunteer Firefighters to this new fire front.

Marco Lobato, Regional Operational Commander of Civil Protection, quoted by Diário de Notícias da Madeira

Weather Warnings Issued as Madeira Faces Heatwave

The Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) has issued a yellow and orange weather warning for Madeira, due to the ongoing heatwave. Starting Friday, the alert level for mountainous regions and the southern coast will be elevated to orange, signaling an increased risk of fire due to the hot and dry conditions.

Source: Diário de Notícias da Madeira, CNN Portugal
