Rent a T4 House in Funchal Next to Via Rápida for €10.000

Rent a T4 House in Funchal Next to Via Rápida for €10.000

With the stakes set at €10,000 per month, how much would you consider paying for a T4 located under the Via Rápida in Funchal?

€10,000 Monthly Rental Listing for a T4

The real estate market in Funchal has reached unprecedented heights, with prices that are increasingly difficult to justify. A recent listing exemplifies this trend: a four-bedroom property (T4) located right next to the Via Rápida is being offered for rent at €10,000 per month.

While the residence features premium amenities, including a swimming pool, 2 fireplaces and wooden flooring, the asking price raises serious concerns about who is willing and able to pay these prices.

▶️ Location of the T4 on Google Maps

▶️ See the Listing on Idealista
