Foreign Nationals

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Portugal Slips To 15th Spot In Expat Ranking

Portugal Slips To 15th Spot In Expat Ranking

Portugal slips to 15th position in the 2024 Expat Insider ranking from InterNations. It remains attractive due to high quality of life, favorable climate, and welcoming locals.

50-Meter Fall: Serious Accident In Porto Da Cruz

50-Meter Fall: Serious Accident In Porto Da Cruz

60-year-old American resident in Madeira survives 50-meter fall near Porto da Cruz cemetery, rescued by prompt emergency response teams.

Will Ending NHR Stop Madeira's Housing Crisis?

Will Ending NHR Stop Madeira's Housing Crisis?

Funchal and Lisbon share a common struggle, with Lisbon facing an amplifying housing crisis. Through a comparative analysis, can we predict the impending consequences for Madeira's capital?

Madeira's Growing Foreign Population: A Transformative Force for the Island

Madeira's Growing Foreign Population: A Transformative Force for the Island

Is Madeira's growing foreign population a transformative force for the island? Let's have a look at where foreign nationals come from and how they are changing the island!