
Check out the last 46 Posts
19% of Madeira's Retired Population Lives on the Poverty Line

19% of Madeira's Retired Population Lives on the Poverty Line

Nearly 14,000 retirees in Madeira face poverty, struggling with basic needs and demanding a pension increase of at least 5%.

Câmara de Lobos Launches Seabird-Safe Lighting

Câmara de Lobos Launches Seabird-Safe Lighting

Câmara de Lobos has introduced new seabird-friendly LED lighting as part of an environmental initiative to reduce light pollution.

Ab Initio - Madeira Seeks Justice In Corruption Case

Ab Initio - Madeira Seeks Justice In Corruption Case

Ab Initio suggests a vast network of corruption and nepotism, extending to the highest levels of Madeira's government.

Sixth Campaign to Sterilize Over 2,000 Stray Animals

Sixth Campaign to Sterilize Over 2,000 Stray Animals

Learn about AMRAM’s bold plan to sterilize over 2,000 stray animals in Madeira by 2025!

Eduardo Dâmaso On The Tragedy Of Madeira

Eduardo Dâmaso On The Tragedy Of Madeira

Journalist Eduardo Dâmaso refers to the ongoing crisis as the Tragedy of Madeira, and vehemently attacks President Miguel Albuquerque for his complacent and self-serving leadership.

Madeira Needs Mobile App To Manage Tourism, Says ACIF

Madeira Needs Mobile App To Manage Tourism, Says ACIF

Madeira's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACIF) makes a strong stance for implementing an app for tourism, saying most recent measures are insufficient and Madeira is not prepared.

Funchal Raises Its Voice Against Maduro And For Freedom In Venezuela

Funchal Raises Its Voice Against Maduro And For Freedom In Venezuela

While dictators around the world cheer at Nicolás Maduro's contested re-election, protestors in Funchal are calling for transparency and for Venezuela to be free!

Water Supply Issues Continue To Affect Arco Da Calheta

Water Supply Issues Continue To Affect Arco Da Calheta

Calheta authorities are working to fix water supply issues in Arco da Calheta, urging residents to conserve water.

Madeira Airport To Install Wind Measurement Radars In September

Madeira Airport To Install Wind Measurement Radars In September

Madeira Airport is about to install wind measurement radars to improve safety and review presumably outdated wind limits, costing 4.5 million euros.

PAN Madeira Calls For More Kennel Inspections And Regulations

PAN Madeira Calls For More Kennel Inspections And Regulations

PAN Madeira urges stricter kennel regulations after complaints of animal mistreatment.

Madeira's New Public Transport Network SIGA Off To A Promising Start

Madeira's New Public Transport Network SIGA Off To A Promising Start

SIGA, the new public transportation network in Madeira successfully started operations on Madeira day!