Today Is EU Election Day - Your Vote Counts!

Today Is EU Election Day - Your Vote Counts!

Today is the day to cast your vote. Go vote for Europe. Vote for Democracy!

European Elections In Madeira

Today is election day! With extremism on the rise, this will be one of the most significant elections for the European Project in a long time. Your vote is needed. Whether you lean right, left, or center, whether you are Portuguese or a foreign national: your vote counts and will make Europe and Madeira stronger. Go vote today!

Go vote today!

What Are The Political parties I can vote for?

Who Is Eligible To Vote?

For the election of Portuguese members of the European Parliament, the following people can vote:

  • Portuguese citizens aged 18 or over who are registered on the Portuguese electoral roll in national territory;

  • Portuguese citizens aged 18 or over, registered on the Portuguese electoral roll, residing outside the national territory, who have not chosen to vote in another EU country;

  • Citizens of other EU countries registered in Portugal, who choose to vote for Portuguese Members of the European Parliament;

  • Brazilian citizens with a citizen's card or identity card (with equal political rights status).

