Will We See Accountability for the 2024 Wildfires?

Will We See Accountability for the 2024 Wildfires?

Following the wildfires that devastated Madeira, and the president’s decision to return to his Porto Santo beach vacation while the fires escalated, will anyone be held accountable for the lack of a timely and effective response from authorities?

Miguel Albuquerque to Respond in Writing to Parliamentary Inquiry

Miguel Albuquerque has announced he will address concerns regarding the devastating 2024 wildfire in Madeira through a written response. This follows a request for a parliamentary hearing by the JPP party. Albuquerque emphasized that this method of response is standard procedure and in line with parliamentary regulations. Speaking in Funchal, the president, who drew considerable backlash for retreating to Porto Santo for a beach vacation while the fires escalated, asserted that his administration would provide a detailed explanation of the firefighting efforts. He emphasized that written responses are standard procedure in such hearings.

The executive leader stated that responding in writing does not mean he is "shying away from confrontation," but is merely adhering to the "legal and regulatory requirements," and stressed that his government will "fully clarify how the fires were technically managed."


What direction are the people of Madeira headed, led by someone who refuses to go to the Assembly to debate what went wrong with a tragedy, who runs away in fear of facing reality, who constantly lies and contradicts himself? This is why the JPP has insisted that Albuquerque is not a trustworthy person, and the signs of this behavior are increasingly visible and worrying.

Élvio Sousa, JPP, Diário de Notícias da Madeira

JPP’s Request for Inquiry Includes Health Secretary and Civil Protection Head

The JPP’s request for a parliamentary inquiry also includes Pedro Ramos, the Secretary of Health and Civil Protection, and António Nunes, the President of the Regional Civil Protection Service. The request was approved with votes from the JPP, PS, and CDS-PP, while PSD members abstained. The JPP argues that both Albuquerque and Ramos should be held accountable for what they perceive as negligence and inadequate decision-making during the crisis.

“It is evident that, eventually, there were mistakes and omissions [in fighting the fire] that need to be investigated. If it turns out that this is true, then those in political power in Madeira must draw the appropriate political conclusions and replace those who need to be replaced.”

José Manuel Rodrigues, CDS-PP, President of the Madeira Legislative Assembly

CDS-PP Supports Government but Calls for Accountability

At the political event known as the Festa dos Romeiros, José Manuel Rodrigues, leader of the CDS-PP Madeira, reiterated support for the current PSD-led government while emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation into the wildfire’s management. Rodrigues acknowledged the potential for mistakes and omissions in the firefighting efforts and emphasized the need for accountability. However, he also highlighted the crucial importance of maintaining political stability in Madeira. Despite calls for accountability, the CDS-PP has pledged to maintain its support for the government.

Fire Causes Massive Damage but No Reported Injuries

The wildfire, which began on August 14 in the Serra de Água region of Ribeira Brava and was reportedly caused by fireworks, spread to several municipalities including Câmara de Lobos, Ponta do Sol, Serra de Água or Santana. It was declared fully extinguished by August 26. According to the European Forest Fire Information System, over 5,100 hectares were burned. While there were no reports of injuries or destruction of essential public infrastructure, some small agricultural operations and forested areas were affected. Authorities had evacuated around 200 residents as a precaution, and temporary public shelters were provided.

